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High-Output Automation Starts With Smart Software

The complexity of an automated pharmacy that can handle up to 100,000 medications per shift can be daunting and overwhelming. Hundreds of components over thousands of linear feet must move in concert, without breakdown. Patient prescriptions with sensitive medications cannot be mishandled – not even one. Business plans for expanded pharmacy operations must be scrutinized down to the last detail. And the interaction between an automated dispensing system and the pharmacy’s local computer system must be synchronized to have all prescription and inventory data flow back and forth. Because of all these what-ifs and cannot-error scenarios, you can trust that RoboPharma software is running tirelessly in the background.

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RoboPharma Is Here To Meet the Moments & the Demand

Have no worries when it comes to the everyday complexities of medication fulfillment! RoboPharma’s software and team of software engineers are backing your pharmacy project up, at every step. When you partner with RoboPharma, rest assured that your processes, inventory and patient record, are all expertly handled and secured.

Our Pharmacy Automation Software Design Philosophy:


Foundation must be built upon simple processes

Good Input

Good input and SOPs deliver good output


Decisions are made by software – not by operators – for the vast majority of transactions

Backed Up

Experts will always be relied upon to handle exceptions, backed up by our intelligent software inputs

Flexible Software to Fit Your Custom-Designed System

Building interfaces between your pharmacy information system and RoboPharma technology is easy when your team has expert programmers – like RoboPharma. In fact, every RoboPharma design can be programmed to communicate with a wide range of pharmacy information systems. If your pharmacy happens to operate through a new PMR system, our software engineers and programmers will be happy to discuss practical solutions for creating an effective interface. Then, we take care of the rest.

Clear Communication & Maximum Daily Performance Keeps Everyone Happy

The RoboPharma software is the underpinnings of all information flow that connects critical communication local pharmacies, the central filling site, the RoboPharma distribution channels, sorter cells, labeling stations and packaging centers, and back to the local pharmacies. This is just another facet of our operation that makes RoboPharma stand out from the rest of the industry, and it’s what makes our customers happy that they partnered with us.

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